My Truck Driving Experiences

Gather round while I share my experiences traveling across the US and Canada in a Semi-Truck.

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Who Cares?

Driving across I-80 today I saw an eighteen wheeler laying on its side off the side of the road around mile marker 99 in Pennsylvania near Du Bois. I asked the other truckers if they saw it laying there but nobody replied. Either my CB was not getting out or nobody had their radio on that was near me, or I was squelched out to where they could not hear me, I suppose. It appeared the truck had ran off the road through over a guard rail across a ditch and then landed on its right side on a hill. It struck me odd that there were no rescue vehicles nor any activity around the truck. By the time the thought hit me that maybe I should have stopped to check it out, I was already several miles down the I did the next best thing. I called the Pennsylvania state police to see if they were aware of it. They told me that it was an old accident and let it go at that. My thoughts are still wondering how old the accident was and why the truck is still laying there on its side. Who cares?


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