My Truck Driving Experiences

Gather round while I share my experiences traveling across the US and Canada in a Semi-Truck.

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Bear in the Woods!

A voice came over the CB, "West bound watch out for the bear in the woods at mile marker 176.8. This is not the police, it is a real live bear, a grizzly bear, full grown, watching the trucks go by from the woods."

Sure enough, as I drove by in the dusk, I could just barely see the huge bear off the north side of the road. The concern was whether or not the bear would stay there or come out into the road. The other concern was for the saftey of anyone who might just stop to check their tires, load straps, or any other emergency situation that might come up with their rig. The bear might have them for dinner.

I have no idea what ever happened with the bear, but it brought back my thoughts as I was putting on tire chains in Laramie, Wyoming back in the winter, not thinking at all about what wild animals might be in that neck of the woods. I only thought about it afterwards and thought how stupid I was for not taking the time to assess the whole situation prior to getting out and putting on my tire chains.

The bear was sighted in Pennsylvania, off I-76, between Breezewood and Houstontown, near the Buchannon Forest area.

I have never seen a bear off the freeway before. All I have seen are packs of deer, antelope, cows, horses, and the like.

The only other bear I recall ever seeing was in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, while my wife and I were on vacation there. There was a couple along the roadside there, and then there was one in our trash can at the cabin one night. My wife was all excited and wanted to watch the bear through the window of the cabin. I told her she was crazy, because the windows and the doors of the cabin was not going to keep that bear out if it saw her and thought she looked yummy too.


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