My Truck Driving Experiences

Gather round while I share my experiences traveling across the US and Canada in a Semi-Truck.

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Insurance Issues

I thought I would add a new post to my blog to let those of you who wonder about the magical two years that everyone tells you that you need to put in before you can go anywhere. The key is the insurance. Most insurance companies require that a trucker have at least two years in before they become insurable without jacking up the premium the company pays for insurance for their drivers. So it is not the experience thing for the companies, but the insurance. I found this out the hard way because I quit Scheider with only 16 months of driving time in and then tried to get a job at a local trucking company to drive locally. They told me to go back and drive for a company like Schneider for another 8 months to get in my two years and then they would be able to consider me for employment. This is the reason why companies like Schneider do not have insurance. They are "self insured" because the premiums they would pay for insurance on their drivers would cost them more than the money they actually pay out in settlements.
