My Truck Driving Experiences

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Saturday, March 03, 2007

New Hampshire State Liquor Stores at Rest Areas

During my recent trip to New Hampshire I was reminded of something I thought was rather odd that I had seen when I drove up to Maine a couple of years back to visit my sister, a State Liquor Store located at the rest area off an interstate. Not only was there a store at the rest area going north, but across the interstate going south, there was also a store at the south bound rest area. These rest areas are located at about the 30 mile marker off I-93 in New Hampshire.

I could not even imagine Ohio doing something like that, putting state liquor stores in their rest areas. I believe I had mentioned the liquor stores being in the rest areas to my sister when I had visited her, and she laughed and said, well, you know, maybe it is the most convenient location for them to place them in New Hampshire.


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