During a recent delivery to Monroe, Michigan I came across a park dedicated to not only those who lost their lives in Vietnam, but to those who survived the Vietnam War from the Monroe, Michigan area. I thought, what a novel idea, recognizing the survivors from the Vietnam era, one thing that was long overlooked and forgotten in America for way too long. As I walked amongst the memorial I found sandbags surrounding a Rocket Propelled Grenade Gun, a wall with names on one side that listed those who perished in the Vietnam War, and on the other side, those who survived the Vietnam War. There was a special monument dedicated to one person listed as Missing In Action (MIA) who volunteered to fly a Huey into enemy territory to try to save a special forces unit, but never returned. His helicopter was shot down and he was never found. I was walking and had taken a picture of the Huey helicopter perced atop the pole with my phone camera, but it did not take very well. I "Googled" the memorial and found a picture to include here. If you would like to read more about the memorial, just go to the following link.