My Truck Driving Experiences

Gather round while I share my experiences traveling across the US and Canada in a Semi-Truck.

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thirteenth Day of Training

The Thirteenth Day of Training was more practice on the road and advanced trip planning.

It was interesting getting around town this morning since the President of the United States visited Green Bay today. Add a few extra police and crowds of people to the mix of driving around town in a big rig and you have a very interesting situation for someone just learning how to drive a semi.

The advanced trip planning was not very difficult. All it was about was combining the things we had already learned about the satellite communications coming into the truck to planning a trip to pick up and drop off freight.

We stopped by a truck stop today and I saw quite a few 12 volt items that can be used in the trucks. Things like a little fridge, skillets, fans, etc.

Well, have to get off here now and study for the final test tomorrow. I am sure I will do fine.

We will take our final, get our boots, fuel card, and ID cards tomorrow and then be on our way back home for a short break.

"After the break", I will meet up with my Training Engineer who I will go out on the road for a week or two to learn the ropes of the trade, practice driving more in a practical situation, and then I will go through preparations for taking my CDL test. Once I pass my CDL test I will be given a truck of my own to drive and be out on the open road.

I will be getting paid by the mile, so I want as many miles as they can dish my way. I will get two days off every two weeks, plus if I plan my trips right I may be able to be home on some of my 10 hour breaks if I am driving in my home area.

I will sign off for now and continue this blog over the weekend to let you know how it went for my on my Fourteenth Day of Training, Graduation Day!

T-1 and then I will be putting the hammer down to get back home.



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