My Truck Driving Experiences

Gather round while I share my experiences traveling across the US and Canada in a Semi-Truck.

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Love Bugs

One of the nuisances for drivers in the gulf states area is the Love Bug. These things just cover the fronts of vehicles and make it nigh to impossible to see out of your windshield after a period of time. The gulf states rest areas actually have water sprayers for vehicles to pull up to that will help wash off the residue of the bugs that splatter all over the windshield. At truck stops you can see all of the truckers vigorously spraying off their trucks to wash these things off their windshields, grills, hoods, and fenders. You would not believe there were so many of these things after so many of them being wiped out on all of the vehicles traveling down the road.


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