The Fourth Week of Training was a continuation of the third week. More driving and delivery experience and practice backing into the loading docks. This week took us to Mobile, Alabama; Suwanee, Georgia; Greenville, South Carolina, and then back to Kenton, Ohio. I lucked out, if you call it that, but next week the training engineer is taking the next student into New York through the Bronx, Queens and into Manhatton. I am dreading the day I have to drive into New York City, but it is part of the job if I have to go there. Below is a picture of my personal truck, the Ford F350 next to the type of tractor that I will be issued to pull my my loads of freight with. Moving on up, eh? Oh, that is me between the trucks.
Next week will be my SQT (Skills Qualification Training). This will be my last week of training before taking my CDL (Commercial Drivers License) test.
Stay tuned for more as I experience more.
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