My Truck Driving Experiences

Gather round while I share my experiences traveling across the US and Canada in a Semi-Truck.

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Seat Covers

Per request of one of the LexisNexis folks who has truck driving in his past I will talk about seat covers for a while. Truckers really enjoy seat covers. It helps them pass the time away while driving. It also gives them something to talk about with each other while driving down the highway. Truckers can see down into the cars so easily since they are so tall. Checking out all of the different types of seat covers is an interesting pass time event. There are beautiful seat covers and there are those that are a waste of time trying to see. Seat covers come in all shapes and sizes, independent of the type of car they are in. Some are pretty, some are ugly. Some fit into the car very well and are a very good accessory while others you wonder how they even got the seat cover in the car to begin with. I am sure by now that the individual who asked whether or not I mentioned seat covers to my wife is roflhao since he knows what I am talking about. Seat covers are the people sitting on the seats, not the fabric that is covering the seat. If you have never thought about what you are doing in a car while driving down the road, you should think twice, because somebody up there is watching as you drive by. Truckers can even see when you wiggle your toes, yes we can see the floor board of your car and can tell you the color of the carpet or floor mat. You would be surprised what we see. Once, while in training, my instructor pointed out the guy in the car going by was getting some enjoyment from his female rider, and as I looked, I could see her head bobbing up and down. This was the talk of the truckers' CB channel 19 for quite a while as everyone up the road was getting their chance to see the free show as they passed by. Another time I remember was conversation on the CB about a girl who flashed her breasts at a trucker and then asked him if he saw her nipple ring. He said no, and so she flashed him again.

There are two things that truckers hate when it comes to the topic of seat covers, one is long pants and the other is tinted windows.

Keep those sun roofs open and keep the truckers entertained!


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