My Truck Driving Experiences

Gather round while I share my experiences traveling across the US and Canada in a Semi-Truck.

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Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

Sunday, October 22, 2006

One year old Antique

This Tuesday I become a one year old antique. Yea, it has been a year since I have turned 50 and a lot has happened over this past year. I have lost my job that I was planning on retiring from and have started a new career, driving a truck. A job that takes me away from my loving family for days at at time.

I don't know who wrote the rules of life, but some times I think they could have taken a lesson in life them self before scripting life to turn out the way it does. Even though I understand we will have trials and tribulations to go through, I don't always understand why we must go through them.

Since I have started driving a truck, a lot of my friends have turned their back to me and have disowned me, but you know, I guess that speaks to their real character and means they really were never friends at all.

For those who decide I was not worth their time any longer, it is their loss, not mine. I still wish them all the best in their future endeavors. I will be making new friends and standing beside those who are willing to stand next to me as I venture off into this new career.

"We are who we are, base on where we were when." I did not come up with that, but it is a quote from somebody that I have been exposed to in my life time. I like it.

All I want to say is that if you take the time to be yourself with me, I will definitely take the time to be myself with you.


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